Pedigree Dogs: Breeding, Reputation, Welfare and Challenges
Kviečiame registruotis ir liepos 30 d. dalyvauti tarptautinėje kinologų konferencijoje „Veisliniai šunys: reputacija, veisimas, gerovė ir iššūkiai”.
International conference „Pedigree Dogs: Breeding, Reputation, Welfare and Challenges“, 30 July 2019, Vilnius.
Under the patronage of the FCI European Section the Lithuanian Kennel Club is holding the fourth international conference focusing on pedigree dogs, their breeding, health and welfare.
The aim of the conference is to bring together the key stakeholders of canine world to discuss some of the major issues related to pedigree dogs that the world is facing today, to exchange and share their experience and best practices and to encourage international cooperation.
The main theme of the conference is „Pedigree Dogs: Breeding, Reputation, Welfare and Challenges“. The subthemes of the event include communication and education about, welfare, health and responsible breeding of pedigree dogs as well as the roles of national canine organisations, breed clubs, judges and breeders in educating society and promoting pedigree dogs.
The presentations will cover general topics related to aforementioned aspects related to pedigree dogs, examples of projects and good practices of the kennel clubs to promote responsible breeding and discussions on how responsible breeding and effective communication could contribute to the improved reputation of pedigree dogs.
Preliminary panel of speakers: Sean Delmar (the Irish Kennel Club), Alpay Ozkan (Turkey), Lee Anne Bateman (Canada), Elaine J Lessig (USA), Simon Luxmoore (UK), Attila Marton (Hungary), Ekaterina Domogatskaya (the Russian Kennel Club), Ramunė Kazlauskaitė (the Lithuanian Kennel Club).
The working language of the event is English.
Dalyviams bus išduodami sertifikatai LKD šunų veislyno statusui tvirtinti.
More information:
For information on previous conferences please see here:
‘Political environment and method and technology of breeding has changed dramatically and new questions cannot be responded with old fashioned answers!’/Tamas Jakkel/
‘A “lovemarks” building approach for dog breeds, never proposed before in and for the world of dogs, will not only put dog people in an active role of shaping their own future instead of being victims or just fence-sitters, but will offer many engaging opportunities to positively and not just negatively check what’s ‘in’ each breed today and what needs to be done going forward to get the breeds properly positioned according to their very own emotional and rational profile. /Christopher Habig/
‘All our members and co-operation partners are important message carriers and public image creators‘ /Liisa Suominen, the Finnish Kennel Club/
‘The educational campaigns implemented together with the authorities and other organisations were launched in order to strengthen canine organisation image of being a reliable source of reference for those seeking the information.’ /DMV, PhD. Helle Friis Proschowsky, the Danish Kennel Club/
‘It is essential to finally realise in the many debates between the breeder society and the animal welfare society that these parties ought not to be working against each other. They have a common enemy causing massive damage: irresponsible breeding.’ /Attila Marton/
Further queries and registration by e-mail
Photo by Guoda Kavaliauskaitė