About Us
The Lithuanian Kennel Club (LKD) was founded in 1992. From 2005 society become true member of Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) (under an agreement LKD is member of FCI from 1996, associate member from 2001).
The aim of LKD is to unite all dog owners of country, to encourage breeding of good pedigreed dogs and to represent interests of our cynologues in the entire world properly. Society’s activity is based on LKD & FCI statutes, other normative documents and law of Lithuanian Republic.
LKD is the only one official organization, representing cynologues of Lithuania in Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), in the most important Cynologique Society.
Society unites 48 Lithuanian dog clubs: regional all breeds clubs, breed clubs, Junior handling club and Dog sport club etc.
LKD give pedigrees for purebred puppies born in Lithuania (they all are registered in Lithuanian Studbook). From 1993 all puppies born in Lithuania are indentified by tattoo; from 2011 – identified by microchip. The number of identification is always indicated in pedigree.
Only pedigrees, which are given by LKD, are accepted in FCI countries.
In Lithuanian Cynological Society’s Studbook are registered 230 dog breeds. There were registered about 1348 litters and issued about 6000 pedigrees on last year.